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The table below shows all of our courses available to purchase. You can filter by Tier, Subject and Language. Just click on the filter icon and select your choices. You can also search the courses by clicking on the magnifying glass icon. This list is best seen on desktop, if you are on mobile you can download a PDF of our course catalogue here.
Course Name | Tier | Subject | Language | Store Link |
Introduction to ESG | New To Mining | Environment | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/2885880 |
Essentials Series: Mineral Consumption and Recycling | New To Mining | Environment | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/4200431 |
360° Introduction to the Mining Industry | New To Mining | Mining | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/2719427 |
An Introduction to Mining and Mineral Processing | New To Mining | Mining | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/3472275 |
Introducción a la minería y al procesamiento de minerales | New To Mining | Mining | ES | https://learn.edumine.com/store/640705 |
Mining Explained | New To Mining | Mining | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/629815 |
What is Mining - An Introduction to the Mining Value Chain | New To Mining | Mining | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/2879467 |
A Global Perspective on Cyanide Use and Management | Introductory | Environment | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/637462 |
Una perspectiva global sobre el uso y manejo del cianuro | Introductory | Environment | ES | https://learn.edumine.com/store/637476 |
e3Plus - Principles and Guidance for Responsible Exploration | Introductory | Exploration | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/641838 |
e3Plus: Principios y guías | Introductory | Exploration | ES | https://learn.edumine.com/store/641848 |
Economic Geology 101 | Introductory | Exploration | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/3663485 |
An Introduction to Evaluation of Junior Mining Companies for Investment Purposes | Introductory | Financial | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/640682 |
An Introduction to Mining Investment - Understanding the Risks | Introductory | Financial | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/642598 |
Introductory Mining Project Evaluation | Introductory | Financial | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/641854 |
A Rock Engineering Primer for Non-Engineers in Mining | Introductory | Geotechnics | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/640815 |
Introducción a la ingeniería de rocas para el personal de minería que no son ingenieros | Introductory | Geotechnics | ES | https://learn.edumine.com/store/643663 |
Principles and Practice of Ethics Illustrated with Examples from Mining | Introductory | Leadership | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/629951 |
Strategic Social Management | Introductory | Leadership | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/3472360 |
The Evolving Image of Mining | Introductory | Leadership | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/3573126 |
Maintenance 101: Mobile Mining Equipment | Introductory | Maintenance | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/629970 |
Maintenance 101: Product Support Contracts | Introductory | Maintenance | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/630006 |
Chemical Fundamentals in Mineral Processing | Introductory | Mineral Processing | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/3421682 |
Practical Mineral Processing | Introductory | Mineral Processing | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/3384251 |
Critical Minerals | Introductory | Mining | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/3732434 |
Essentials Series: Geological Concepts | Introductory | Mining | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/4137530 |
Introduction à l’exploitation minière et au traitement du minerai | Introductory | Mining | FR | https://learn.edumine.com/store/640714 |
Introduction to Battery Metals | Introductory | Mining | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/3090670 |
Introduction to Blasting | Introductory | Mining | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/751274 |
Introduction to Block Caving | Introductory | Mining | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/629830 |
e3Plus - Health and Safety in Exploration 1: Personal Safety | Introductory | Safety | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/3573112 |
e3Plus - Health and Safety in Exploration 2: Traversing, Weather, and Wildlife | Introductory | Safety | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/3573107 |
e3Plus - Health and Safety in Exploration 3: Surveying and Travel Safety | Introductory | Safety | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/3572093 |
e3Plus - Health and Safety in Exploration 4: Site and Camp Safety | Introductory | Safety | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/3571789 |
Environmental Health and Safety - Emergency Preparedness | Introductory | Safety | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/3571766 |
Environmental Health and Safety - Emergency Response Planning | Introductory | Safety | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/641798 |
Gestión sustentable de aguas residuales para las industrias de energía y minería | Intermediate | Environment | ES | https://learn.edumine.com/store/690640 |
Mine Closure: The Basics of Success | Intermediate | Environment | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/3413890 |
Reclamation and Revegetation for Mines in Arid Climates | Intermediate | Environment | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/640702 |
Sustainable Development in Mining | Intermediate | Environment | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/629782 |
Sustainable Waste Water Management for the Energy and Mining Industries | Intermediate | Environment | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/3409307 |
Bulk Sampling: An Introduction | Intermediate | Exploration | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/629838 |
Conventional Methods of Resource / Reserve Estimation | Intermediate | Exploration | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/3671981 |
Informes de proyectos mineros bajo la norma NI 43-101 | Intermediate | Exploration | ES | https://learn.edumine.com/store/630012 |
Introduction to the Basics of XRF Instrumentation | Intermediate | Exploration | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/690552 |
NI 43-101: Basics & Beyond | Intermediate | Exploration | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/4112391 |
Probability Graphs and their Application in Mineral Exploration | Intermediate | Exploration | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/637539 |
Quality Control of Geochemical and Assay Samples | Intermediate | Exploration | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/1338490 |
Practical Geostatistics 2000 - 1: Classical Statistics | Intermediate | Exploration | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/641842 |
Cómo comprender los estados financieros de las compañías mineras | Intermediate | Financial | ES | https://learn.edumine.com/store/640590 |
Economic Evaluation and Optimization of Mineral Projects | Intermediate | Financial | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/643652 |
Mine Project Economics | Intermediate | Financial | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/643502 |
Understanding Financial Statements of Mining Companies | Intermediate | Financial | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/637457 |
Diseño, operación y cierre de tranques de relaves | Intermediate | Geotechnics | ES | https://learn.edumine.com/store/746358 |
Geosynthetics in Mining | Intermediate | Geotechnics | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/643587 |
Introducción al modelamiento de aguas subterráneas para minas y la minería | Intermediate | Geotechnics | ES | https://learn.edumine.com/store/640731 |
Introduction to Groundwater Modeling for Mines and Mining | Intermediate | Geotechnics | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/640728 |
Manejo de aguas superficiales en minas | Intermediate | Geotechnics | ES | https://learn.edumine.com/store/1162817 |
Responsible Tailings Management 101 | Intermediate | Geotechnics | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/877746 |
Surface Water Management at Mines | Intermediate | Geotechnics | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/641709 |
Tailings Facility Design, Operation, and Closure | Intermediate | Geotechnics | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/1001836 |
Cómo establecer una licencia social para operar en minería | Intermediate | Leadership | ES | https://learn.edumine.com/store/642566 |
Establishing a Social License to Operate in Mining | Intermediate | Leadership | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/629764 |
Gestión de proyectos mineros | Intermediate | Leadership | ES | https://learn.edumine.com/store/630008 |
Gestión del ciclo de vida útil de camiones de transporte | Intermediate | Maintenance | ES | https://learn.edumine.com/store/642626 |
Extractive Metallurgy 1 - Metals, Ore Deposits and Minerals | Intermediate | Mineral Processing | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/848863 |
Extractive Metallurgy 2 - Beneficiation, Extraction and Metallurgical Processes | Intermediate | Mineral Processing | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/629995 |
Flotation 1 - Fundamentals | Intermediate | Mineral Processing | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/629826 |
Flotation 2 - Unit Operations | Intermediate | Mineral Processing | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/643283 |
Flotation 3 - Circuits | Intermediate | Mineral Processing | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/643309 |
Grinding 1 - Fundamentals | Intermediate | Mineral Processing | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/629821 |
Grinding 2 - Unit Operations | Intermediate | Mineral Processing | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/641802 |
Grinding 3 - Circuits | Intermediate | Mineral Processing | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/641813 |
Gyratory Crushing - Fundamentals, Unit Operations and Circuits | Intermediate | Mineral Processing | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/629939 |
Hydrometallurgy 1 - Introduction to Leaching | Intermediate | Mineral Processing | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/3661488 |
Molienda 1 - Principios fundamentales | Intermediate | Mineral Processing | ES | https://learn.edumine.com/store/642594 |
Molienda 2 - Operaciones unitarias | Intermediate | Mineral Processing | ES | https://learn.edumine.com/store/642580 |
Molienda 3 - Circuitos | Intermediate | Mineral Processing | ES | https://learn.edumine.com/store/642581 |
Data Analytics in Mining | Intermediate | Mining | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/832978 |
Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining in the Tropics | Intermediate | Mining | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/3592203 |
Diseño y monitoreo del desempeño de los caminos de la mina | Intermediate | Mining | ES | https://learn.edumine.com/store/641746 |
ESG Across the Mining Value Chain | Intermediate | Mining | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/3140887 |
Heap Leach Pads | Intermediate | Mining | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/3573136 |
Mine Planning 1 - Strategy | Intermediate | Mining | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/625677 |
Mine Planning 2 - Operations | Intermediate | Mining | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/629946 |
Mine Planning 3 - Optimization | Intermediate | Mining | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/637534 |
Mine Ventilation 2 - Hazard Awareness | Intermediate | Mining | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/642688 |
Mine Ventilation 3 - Design Basics | Intermediate | Mining | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/642558 |
Stakeholder Mapping in the Mining Industry | Intermediate | Mining | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/3336269 |
Underground Mine Backfill 1 - Introduction | Intermediate | Mining | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/629820 |
Underground Mining Methods and Equipment | Intermediate | Mining | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/629997 |
Hazards, Safety and Security Management of Mining Transportation on Off-Site Roads | Intermediate | Safety | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/642632 |
Mine Safety and Rescue 1 - Underground Gas Hazards | Intermediate | Safety | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/642722 |
Mine Safety and Rescue 3 - Terrain, Cold and Other Hazards | Intermediate | Safety | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/640673 |
Acid Rock Drainage Prediction | Advanced | Environment | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/629780 |
Cyanide Management in Mining - 3: Geochemical Properties and Environmental Fate of Cyanide | Advanced | Environment | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/637438 |
Enterprise Facilitation: a Methodology for Sustainable Community Development in Mining | Advanced | Environment | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/643514 |
Mineral Project Reporting Under NI 43-101 | Advanced | Exploration | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/629993 |
Understanding Contouring | Advanced | Exploration | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/641786 |
Estimación del costo de la minería | Advanced | Financial | ES | https://learn.edumine.com/store/637453 |
Estimating Costs for Mining Prefeasibility Studies | Advanced | Financial | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/3682028 |
Mineral Property Valuation 1 - Standards and Guidelines | Advanced | Financial | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/629994 |
Mineral Property Valuation 2 - Approaches and Methods | Advanced | Financial | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/629991 |
Real Options in Mining | Advanced | Financial | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/637540 |
Aguas subterráneas en minería | Advanced | Geotechnics | ES | https://learn.edumine.com/store/642603 |
Análisis de balance hídrico y químico de una mina | Advanced | Geotechnics | ES | https://learn.edumine.com/store/690590 |
Application of Stereonets in Open Pit Design | Advanced | Geotechnics | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/1194902 |
Design for Underground Metal Mines 1 - Design Parameters | Advanced | Geotechnics | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/629974 |
Design for Underground Metal Mines 2 - Design Guidelines | Advanced | Geotechnics | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/683196 |
Geotechnical Engineering for Mine Geowaste Facilities | Advanced | Geotechnics | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/643596 |
Groundwater in Mining | Advanced | Geotechnics | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/642596 |
Mine Water and Chemical Balance Analysis | Advanced | Geotechnics | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/3628080 |
Rock Mass Classification for Mine Design | Advanced | Geotechnics | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/642693 |
Applied Ethics in Exploration and Mining | Advanced | Leadership | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/629964 |
Engineering for Success in Mining | Advanced | Leadership | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/642704 |
Mineral Project Management | Advanced | Leadership | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/629990 |
Mobile Equipment Life Cycle Costing | Advanced | Maintenance | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/3472364 |
Hydrometallurgy 2 - Leaching Processes | Advanced | Mineral Processing | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/3663035 |
Hydrometallurgy 3 - Concentration and Purification of Leach Solutions | Advanced | Mineral Processing | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/3663063 |
Hydrometallurgy 4 - Precipitation from Leach Solutions | Advanced | Mineral Processing | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/640787 |
Process Mineralogy 1 for Metals | Advanced | Mineral Processing | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/3541504 |
Process Mineralogy 2 for Coal and Industrial Minerals | Advanced | Mineral Processing | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/640723 |
Design and Application of Sublevel Stoping Methods | Advanced | Mining | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/640612 |
Haul Road Design and Operational Benchmarking | Advanced | Mining | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/629979 |
Optimizing Overburden Placement in Surface Mining of Coal | Advanced | Mining | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/641768 |
Mine Safety and Health Training - Safe Practice for Flame Cutting and Welding in Coal Mines | Advanced | Safety | EN | https://learn.edumine.com/store/641750 |
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